Randy Lee | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

Today on the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series we are featuring Randy Lee.


The role Randy played in UNWAVERING was the mayor. Randy was great to have on set. Even during rehearsals he offered a few different approaches to the role to align with the vision we had. He has a very awesome attitude and keeps the positive energy flowing at all times. That energy helped us on the last day of filming to power through to the end.

Randy is super talented and has been involved in some great films and even is a tattoo artist. He has worked closely with John Goodman as a body double and has recently stepped up as a producer on “The Danielle Forbes Show.” You can learn more about the films and projects he’s involved with by going to his website: Randy Lee

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Here are the questions we asked Randy:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?

Randy: Returning to the area of Ohio where I once lived with my daughter and viewing the history in East Liverpool.

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?

Randy: Body Double/2nd team for Mr. John Goodman. I gained so much education and wisdom working so closely with John and a star studded cast, let alone Diane Keaton sang happy birthday to me!

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Randy: Michael Keaton, John Malkovich, Johnny Depp

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Randy: This one is hard to nail down… A Clockwork Orange, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Beetlejuice are a good top three..lol

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Randy: Tattooing, music, gaming

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Randy: When I was compared to “Elliot” on E.T. and said, I wanna do that..and it’s been in my blood since!

MPF: Favorite color?

Randy: Deep purple (amethyst)

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?
Randy: Have to go with the mayor, only because I don’t know the entire script and character pool! 🙂

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Randy: Positive perseverance…never give up and don’t let them tell you no. It’s ok to be you, it’s ok to be out of the box..stick to it, train and go for it!

Thank you, Randy, for your terrific performance! To see Randy in UNWAVERING you can get tickets for the Grand Premiere here: UNWAVERING Grand Premiere

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Joe Morales | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

Continuing on the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series, today we are featuring Joe Morales.

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In UNWAVERING Joe plays Tom who is the boyfriend of Sarah’s best friend Brittany. I was looking for someone who was cool, laid back, and charming. Of course, we chose Joe to fit that part.

Joe is very talented and has been a part of several films in the past couple years. He also is involved with radio and we’ve worked with him in Gretchen’s Lock.

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Here are the questions we asked Joe:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?

Joe: My favorite part of filming Unwavering was getting to reunite with some of the Gretchen’s Lock cast and crew. It is always a pleasure to see all of the familiar faces and meet the incredibly talented new faces I had not gotten to work with before. What makes it even better is that everyone is just so kind and each person just wants to make a great film. I also liked getting to ride in a hummer limo for the first time and getting dressed up for prom again brought back good memories from high school. 

MPF: What is your favorite role you have ever played?

Joe: It is very difficult to pick a favorite role I have played. They all serve many purposes and are vastly different from each other. I have gotten to play the good guy, the bad guy and the not so great guy, each of those being a learning experience. My favorite roles though are always the more comedic ones, such as Luke, a Chinese man who is addicted to gambling, in Anything Goes. What was fun about that role was making people laugh. I had to attempt a Chinese accent that I did rather poorly, and I had a scene where I lost my clothes in strip poker so I had to take off my robe and show some skin. It was embarrassing to say the least because I was and am a little on the scrawny side and this all happened when I was a freshman in high school where everything is awkward anyway, but it got people to laugh and made it all worth it.

I also enjoy getting to voice Lt. Adam Carson, a character from The Topnotch Tangler which is a segment of It’s All Been Done Radio Hour. The segment is in a superhero universe and Lt. Adam Carson works for the police department. He is always too eager and over joyed to help the superheroes save the city so it is nice to be someone who is usually happy. Check it out at www.itsallbeendoneradiohour.com and take a listen to the other segments of the show, along with the other programs we take part in with It’s All Been Done Presents at www.iabdpresents.com

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Joe: There are so many fantastic actors out there. The two actors that have always inspired me are Johnny Depp and Tom Hanks. Depp mainly plays very eccentric characters that have a tendency to go outside the box while Hanks plays many down to earth, but also very deep roles that have such power. Andrew Garfield has also become an inspiration to me because as I knew him as playing the snarky teenager Peter Parker from Spider Man, I recently watched him in Hacksaw Ridge and I was in awe. He brought such raw emotion to the role and I bet the real Desmond Doss would have been proud.

MPF: What is your favorite movie of all time?

Joe: John Carpenter’s Halloween will forever be my favorite movie. Aside from the performances and the cinematography, the score is what makes it just so creepy.

MPF: What are some of your hobbies?

Joe: I really enjoy going to the movies with friends, watching television, listening to music, taking my dogs for a walk and swimming. I have wanted to get more involved in photography and get back into music, but life gets in the way and I have not made time for that.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Joe: When I was little, my mom would tape my brother, sister, cousins, friends and myself doing skits of The Maury Show and Jerry Springer. We even did spoofs of Rush Hour, Tomb Raider, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. It essentially became our childhood and from there, I realized I enjoyed entertaining people with different characters from stories I wanted to tell. I then got into plays and musicals throughout middle and high school and after college, I started getting more into acting.

MPF: Favorite color?

Joe: Tie between Blue and Green, but I also really like Red to.

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?

Joe: I have not gotten to see any of the film thus far, but from the script, my favorite character is Yusaf. What I like about the character is that you do not really know where he stands. At one moment, he seems to want to help the girls and cares about what is happening. Then he is the complete opposite. It is that mystery of whether or not he is good or bad. Even though I haven’t seen it yet, I know that Nick plays it extraordinarily well. 

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Joe: “If you dream of doing it, make it come true.” Even though the options are best in the big cities like Los Angeles and New York City, Ohio has many options for aspiring actors and filmmakers alike that make it happen, as the Mennings do with their films. Sometimes, it just takes some passionate dreamers to make something happen.

Thank you, Joe, for your stellar performance! For information about the Grand Premiere of UNWAVERING be sure to sign up for the newsletter here: www.menningphotographicfilms.com/newsletter

Also, be sure to stay connected through Facebook | Instagram


Nicholas Baronzzi | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | UNWAVERING

Today on the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series we are featuring the one and only Nicholas Baronzzi.Screen Shot 2017-01-25 at 6.03.54 AM

The role Nick played in UNWAVERING was Yusaf. Yusaf is a terrorist and a complex character; charismatic at first then cold and detached.  Nick will literally do anything to get the best take possible. Whether that’s sweating in military gear for hours or falling on his face onto concrete, he goes all out with no remarks.  After Nick’s performance in Gretchen’s Lock and seeing his auditions for UNWAVERING, there’s no doubt that I wanted him to be a part of this project.

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These are the questions we asked Nick:

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?

Nick: Play acting in high school was a lot of fun. Being able to feel and feed off the energy of a live audience is an electric thing. As far as film, portraying Jason in Gretchen’s Lock was relaxed and memorable. I overheard some kids at the premiere hoping that I wouldn’t die—that was nice.

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Nick: Shout-outs to Leo DiCaprio for using his celebrity to draw attention to relevant global issues.

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Nick: I have a personal Top 4 that stand above the rest I’ve seen, and they are 2001: A Space Odyssey, Seven Samurai, Pulp Fiction, and Apocalypse Now.

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Nick: I do a lot of stuff with music—play it, record it, mix it, listen to it all day and every night while I sleep. I’m also a huge nerd for Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. series—I host a bi-weekly tournament for the Wii U version. Our seventeenth tournament is coming up next week.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Nick: I’m a creative, and private as I often am, I need to bring what’s inside out.

MPF: Favorite color?

Nick: Cobalt blue.

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?

Nick: Due to the fragmented structure of UNWAVERING, I chose not to read the script in full—only the parts relevant to Yusaf, so I could preserve the coldness and distance inherent to a hostage situation. I didn’t allow myself to like any of the characters.

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Nick: Entertainment is a business; integrity is an investment.

Thank you again, Nick, for the outstanding performance! For information about the Grand Premiere of UNWAVERING be sure to sign up for the newsletter here: www.menningphotographicfilms.com/newsletter

Also, be sure to stay connected through Facebook | Instagram


Emily Kelly | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | Gretchen’s Lock

Today on the Actor Highlight series we are featuring Emily Kelly. Emily has quite a resume that is deeply rooted in theater. The role Emily played in the Gretchen’s Lock film is Jenn. Everyone knows that one person who is very matter of fact and likes to correct things that ain’t right (I can see eye rolls from Emily now, haha!). Emily will even admit to having a bit of Jenn’s personality. As soon as Emily auditioned for the role she knocked it out of the park! Yes, that’s for all of you baseball fans since Opening Day was yesterday. We all immediately looked at each other, wrote “Jenn” on her audition form, circled it, and maybe put a few exclamation marks beside her name also.

During filming she nailed every scene and keep us laughing in between takes. If you purchase a blu-ray of the film she ends the blooper reel laughing hysterically and puts her own take on being injured. Also, it was 1:00 am after three long days of filming so it was a nice comic relief.

Headshot-2Emily graduated in 2003 from Marshall University with a BFA in Acting and Directing.  Following graduation, she relocated to Los Angeles where she worked for eight years in various aspects of theatre and film production.  The bulk of her time as an actor has been spent onstage, although she played a featured role in Dark Alley Film’s “Killer Yacht Party” and also spent time working in post-production sound as ADR/Looping Talent.

Behind the scenes, she has produced and directed projects for a number of theatrical companies, as well as contributed production assistance and costuming expertise to a handful of film projects.  Since her return to the Ohio Valley four years ago, she has appeared in a few theatrical productions.  She is a lifelong horror fan, and someone who loved to explore Gretchen’s Lock as a teenager.

This Summer she wishes to return to the stage in a directorial capacity.

Emily_K_0001Here are the questions we asked Emily:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for Gretchen’s Lock?

Emily: My favorite part of filming “Gretchen’s Lock” was definitely the fun that we had. I wish that the cameras had been rolling between takes to catch all of our hilarious, off-color moments on the set. I think that we really fed off of each other’s energy, and it made for a great time. I couldn’t believe the chemistry that we all had, after working together for such a short time. I really think that it will show through in our performances on-screen.

MPF: Did you know anything about the local legends of Gretchen’s Lock before auditioning?

Emily: In high school, I had a small group of friends that were interested in the occult-Supernatural phenomena, mysticism, etc. Hailing from a small town with little to do to occupy ourselves, we would sometimes go to Gretchen’s Lock at night to see what we would see. There is an undeniable energy embedded in the area, and I feel as though it’s magnified at night. I can think of one particular occasion where we all experienced something that none of us could explain. I could tell you about it, but you probably wouldn’t believe me, anyway.

MPF: Do you believe in ghosts?

Emily: I absolutely believe in ghosts. I’ve heard way too many credible stories and even had poignant enough experiences of my own that it would be impossible for me not to. I think that each and every one of us leaves an indelible energy on the ground that we’ve walked and the people that we’ve met, that lingers long after we’re gone from this Earth. That energy may not always manifest itself in the same way, but I’m quite sure that it’s all around us.

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played? (Don’t worry; it doesn’t have to be your role in Gretchen’s Lock).

Emily: I don’t think I have a favorite role that I’ve played, so much as I have a favorite show that I have worked on. In the months following Matthew Shepard’s murder, a theatre company from New York City traveled to his hometown and interviewed townspeople about their feelings and experiences surrounding the incident. The play that resulted, “The Laramie Project,” is a powerful examination of the depths of which human beings both love and hate. I’ve been lucky enough to be cast in two separate theatrical productions of “The Laramie Project,” once in college and once during my time in Los Angeles. Both productions featured a small cast, with each actor playing multiple roles. I’ve played roles ranging from a lesbian college professor, to the young girlfriend of one of his assailants. While I’ve always loved entertainment for its quality of escapism, I value this show so greatly for the thought-provoking dialogue that it creates. I am extremely proud to say that the Matthew Shepard Act was signed into law during our run in Los Angeles. No one may ever know if “The Laramie Project” had anything to do with such an important piece of hate crime legislation, but I like to believe that theatrical activism does play a part in raising awareness of vital issues. It’s such an important story, and I hope that I can bring a production of it to this area sometime soon.

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Emily: I’m always inspired by different actors for different reasons. I LOVE Benedict Cumberbatch. Whether he’s playing a classic, literary detective or a real-life, eccentric mathematician, his characters always feel so multi-faceted and complex. I’ve always admired Robert Downey, Jr. for his versatility. They say that it’s far easier for an actor to make someone cry than it is to make them laugh-for me, he’s one of the most successful actors in doing both.   I’m also a huge fan of Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy, because their performances are always absolutely fearless.

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Emily: My favorite movie of all time has always been “The Breakfast Club.” It’s one of those movies that’s held different meanings for me throughout different points in my life. I love writing like that.

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Emily: What are my hobbies? I love to work out. I go to the gym every morning after work. It’s my me-time, and it’s my time to clear my head. Everything’s better after a good sweat. Music is another good head-clearing hobby for me. I love to play the piano. I’ll sing at the opening of an envelope. I belong to a couple of area choirs, but would really love to sing in a band again, someday. My favorite hobby, though, has to be cosplaying with my daughter. She’s five years old, and she loves to dress up for comic conventions, parties and pretty much any other event she can. We love comic books and sci-fi, so we’ve made costumes for everything from the Avengers and the Justice League, to Star Wars. We’re currently working on our new Star Wars costumes for the Steel City Con coming up in Pittsburgh this April.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Emily: From the first moment that I stepped on a stage, I knew that acting was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. There’s something really intoxicating about getting to put yourself away for a while, and be someone else for a bit. As an actor, you can be pretty much anyone you want to be-The possibilities are endless. Being primarily a stage actor, I’ve also always been drawn to the collaborative energy of performing live. When you’re up there it’s just you, your co-stars and the audience. There’s no safety net. Every performance is different. Every audience reacts differently. It’s electric.

MPF: Favorite color?

Emily: My favorite color is pink. Mauve. Magenta. Hot Pink. I love them all.

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the Gretchen’s Lock film?

Emily: Honestly, I think that my character, Jenn, is my favorite character in the Gretchen’s Lock film. When I first read the character descriptions and the sides for the audition, I knew that she was the character that I wanted to play.   I won’t reveal too much about her personality, but she is definitely an important, stock persona to the horror genre. While we’re on the subject, I will admit that I did see a little of myself in her.

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Emily: If I had to give aspiring actors any advice, I would tell them to be fearless-Don’t be afraid to leave your heart on the stage or the screen. Work on projects that you’re passionate about. Make your own opportunities. Always be punctual, prepared and professional.

Thank you, Emily, for your outstanding performance in the film! We’re so glad that you were a part of the production and you did a fantastic job!

For more information about the Gretchen’s Lock film & for tickets to the ONLY local showings in Columbiana, go HERE. We’re thrilled to bring you a locally made independent film production featuring local legends and made in Beaver Creek State Park! Thank you for your support in our endeavors & we hope to see you at the Grand Premiere of Gretchen’s Lock on April 23. It’ll be a provokingly good time!


Nicholas Baronzzi | Actor Highlight | Meet the Cast | Gretchen’s Lock

Next on our Actor Highlight series is Nicholas Baronzzi. As I was writing the script I wanted to have one of those characters who was sarcastic, arrogant, and an interrogator. The character in the Gretchen’s Lock film who has these traits is Jason. There was a lot of interest in playing this role because, let’s face it, everyone wants to get the chance to be a jerk.

Nick_B_0001When Nick auditioned he blew us away! Without any direction or explanation, other than the character description, Nick proudly presented his audition for the role of Jason. When he was finished we looked around at each other and immediately decided that he was perfect for the role. Oddly enough, Nick has a quiet demeanor in real life, but his performance for the outspoken role of Jason was fantastic!

img_01Not only does Nick have natural acting talent he also whipped up a few original tracks that were used in the film. He is an active local music performer, blogger, photographer, and music producer. He owns and operates an independent recording studio, The Underground, in which he records and masters albums for local artists and bands. Here’s the link to his Instagram.

img_02Here are the questions we asked Nick:

MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for Gretchen’s Lock?

Nick: Filming in the muddy Lock at night, breath and drizzle suspended in the eerie reflected light, little spiders everywhere. It was easy to forget I was surrounded by a couple dozen people.

MPF: Did you know anything about the local legends of Gretchen’s Lock before auditioning?

Nick: I think everyone who grew up in the vicinity has this vague consciousness of the legends. I live about 15 miles from the Lock. Whether uttered behind the crackling of a campfire, told in whispers on the playground, or passed down by grandparents, the stories find their way to everyone around here.

MPF: Do you believe in ghosts?

Nick: Our understanding of the universe is so young. Though I don’t put stock in the supernatural, surely the things we can explain are dwarfed by those we can’t. The world is alive with wonder; weird things happen. I’d love to have a supernatural encounter.

MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played? (Don’t worry; it doesn’t have to be your role in Gretchen’s Lock). 🙂

Nick: Definitely the role of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. I showed up in pajamas, threw on a lion suit, then sat and talked while people put make-up on me. On stage, I could ham it up as much as I wanted and still be in character. Caper around in pajamas and make everyone laugh: dream role.

MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?

Nick: Leonardo DiCaprio. (have you seen The Revenant yet!?) Daniel Day-Lewis is up there, too. #mustachegoals

MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?

Nick: 2001: A Space Odyssey, no doubt about it.

MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?

Nick: Listening to music, making music, and helping other people make music. I’ve converted part of the garage into a private recording studio; I call it “The Underground”. I hope to move to the west coast this fall for music—or whatever else comes my way.

MPF: What made you interested in acting?

Nick: I did lights for shows as an underclassman in high school. It looked like a lot of fun, but I was a quiet kid. As an upperclassman, roles kind of just came to me; I never auditioned. Our drama program was tiny—I think it’s somehow smaller now. But, when no one else could fill the role, I stepped up. And it was even more fun than I’d imagined.

MPF: Favorite color?

Nick: I’m glad you asked. It’s blue. Cobalt blue. Night sky blue. Some teacher once told me that blue is the most popular favorite color and therefore an unoriginal, “conformist’s choice”. She was wrong. Blue is a lifestyle.

MPF: Who is your favorite character in the Gretchen’s Lock film?

Nick: Jacob. I don’t know, there’s just something about him…

MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?

Nick: Every day, people act to escape from themselves. Professional acting is the exact opposite of that.

Thank you Nick for being a stupendous jerk, haha jk! We’re so glad that you were a part of the film and you did an awesome job!

For more information about the Gretchen’s Lock film & for tickets to the ONLY local showings in Columbiana, go HERE. We’re thrilled to bring you a locally made independent film production featuring local legends and made in Beaver Creek State Park! Thank you for your support in our endeavors & we hope to see you at the Grand Premiere of Gretchen’s Lock on April 23. It’ll be a brazen good time!
