Today we continue the UNWAVERING Actor Highlight series with Jessica Joerndt.
The role Jessica played in UNWAVERING was Kristen. When Jessica auditioned she had a warm-hearted personality and we could tell she had some great talent.
Jessica is always improving her skills from acting to signing & dancing and even horseback riding. She takes multiple classes to hone her talent and to expand expertise.
Here are some of the questions we asked Jessica:
MPF: What was your favorite part of filming for UNWAVERING?
Jessica: My favorite part of filming was being on set and getting to experience acting on my first film, and having fun in between takes!
MPF: What’s your favorite role you’ve ever played?
Jessica: My favorite role ever played is probably Annie in Mary Poppins the Musical…the dancing was so fun and the whole show was happy and exciting.
MPF: Which actor(s) inspire you?
Jessica: Actors that inspire me are Tom Hanks, Emma Stone, and Meryl Streep (just a few) for their authenticity and connection with the audience on screen. I also really love Jennifer Lopez for her career as an amazing actress and performer, as well as my older childhood stars like Hilary Duff, Raven Symone, and Demi Lovato for their acting and singing skills.
MPF: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Jessica: My favorite movie is almost impossible to pick! I really loved Jennifer Garner in Miracles From Heaven recently, and overall, a couple of my favorites are Schindler’s List, and The Hunger Games Series.
MPF: What are a couple of your hobbies?
Jessica: Outside of acting, I love to sing and dance. Singing was actually one of my first loves, and music one of the most important things in my life. I also have always loved horseback riding, and I have been a competitive hunter/jumper rider since I was 10.
MPF: What made you interested in acting?
Jessica: I think I grew to become interested in acting as I grew up watching Disney Channel and Nickelodeon, and saw kids my own age on television and films, and I started to wonder what acting was like, so I became involved in theater at my high school, and I’ve never looked back!
MPF: Favorite color?
Jessica: Favorite color is purple!
MPF: Who is your favorite character in the UNWAVERING film?
Jessica: I really like the character of Sarah, because I feel like she is a very strong, smart girl, and she is a born leader.
MPF: Do you have any advice for aspiring actors?
Jessica: Get yourself out there as much as you can. Take yearly or bi-yearly trips to NYC or LA to take classes and to be surrounded by kids, teens, and adults who do this every day for a living. Look for classes near you, and take every class on acting technique, improv, theater, and on-camera that you can find, take dance classes and singing to gain new skills that can help you, and audition for everything! Build good connections with casting directors, agents, teachers, and other actors so that you have a good support system. And when you’re not auditioning or taking class, read books on acting! Also, work some jobs to save your money, because you will need it!
Thank you, Jessica, for being a part of this film! The Grand Premiere for UNWAVERING is the Saturday, April 22nd! You can get tickets for it here: UNWAVERING Grand Premiere
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